PostgreSQL 9.5 使用 import foreign schema 语法一键创建外部表
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PostgreSQL 9.5提供了一个快捷的将远程数据库中的表,视图或物化视图转换成外部表的方式, 使用import foreign schema可以直接将远端的整个schema中的所有表或部分表直接创建在本地的某个指定的schema下.

Command:     IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA  Description: import table definitions from a foreign server  Syntax:  IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA remote_schema  [ { LIMIT TO | EXCEPT } ( table_name [, ...] ) ]  FROM SERVER server_name  INTO local_schema  [ OPTIONS ( option 'value' [, ... ] ) ]

测试 :

remote db postgresql 9.4.1

postgres=# create schema rmt;  CREATE SCHEMA  postgres=# create table rmt(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# create table rmt1(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# create table rmt2(id int, info text, crt_time timestamp);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# insert into rmt select generate_series(1,100000), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp();  INSERT 0 100000  postgres=# insert into rmt1 select generate_series(1,100000), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp();  INSERT 0 100000  postgres=# insert into rmt2 select generate_series(1,100000), md5(random()::text), clock_timestamp();  INSERT 0 100000  postgres=# alter table rmt add constraint pk primary key (id);  ALTER TABLE  postgres=# alter table rmt add constraint ck check (length(info)>1);  ALTER TABLE  postgres=# alter table rmt set schema rmt;  ALTER TABLE  postgres=# alter table rmt1 set schema rmt;  ALTER TABLE  postgres=# alter table rmt2 set schema rmt;  ALTER TABLE  postgres=# \dt rmt.*          List of relations   Schema | Name | Type  |  Owner     --------+------+-------+----------   rmt    | rmt  | table | postgres   rmt    | rmt1 | table | postgres   rmt    | rmt2 | table | postgres  (3 rows)

local db postgresql 9.5

postgres=# create extension postgres_fdw;  CREATE EXTENSION  postgres=# create server rmt foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw options (hostaddr '', port '1921', dbname 'postgres');  CREATE SERVER  postgres=# create user mapping for postgres server rmt options (user 'postgres', password 'postgres');  CREATE USER MAPPING  postgres=# create schema r1;  CREATE SCHEMA  postgres=# import FOREIGN SCHEMA rmt from server rmt into r1 ;  IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA  postgres=# \det+                               List of foreign tables   Schema | Table | Server |              FDW Options               | Description   --------+-------+--------+----------------------------------------+-------------   r1     | rmt   | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt')  |    r1     | rmt1  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt1') |    r1     | rmt2  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt2') |   (3 rows)  postgres=# \d r1.rmt                              Foreign table "r1.rmt"    Column  |            Type             | Modifiers |       FDW Options          ----------+-----------------------------+-----------+--------------------------   id       | integer                     | not null  | (column_name 'id')   info     | text                        |           | (column_name 'info')   crt_time | timestamp without time zone |           | (column_name 'crt_time')  Server: rmt  FDW Options: (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt')  postgres=# select count(*) from r1.rmt1;   count    --------   100000  (1 row)  postgres=# select count(*) from r1.rmt;   count    --------   100000  (1 row)  postgres=# select count(*) from r1.rmt2;   count    --------   100000  (1 row)

还可以使用limit to或者except来控制只导某些表, 或排除某些表.

postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt1;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt2;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# import FOREIGN SCHEMA rmt limit to (rmt) from server  rmt into r1 ;  IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA  postgres=# \det+                              List of foreign tables   Schema | Table | Server |              FDW Options              | Description   --------+-------+--------+---------------------------------------+-------------   r1     | rmt   | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt') |   (1 row)  postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# import FOREIGN SCHEMA rmt except (rmt) from server  rmt into r1 ;  IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA  postgres=# \det+                               List of foreign tables   Schema | Table | Server |              FDW Options               | Description   --------+-------+--------+----------------------------------------+-------------   r1     | rmt1  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt1') |    r1     | rmt2  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt2') |   (2 rows)

注意, 导入时会同时将视图, 物化视图, 外部表都一并导入, 除非使用except来排除.

remote db postgresql 9.4.1

postgres=# \dt          List of relations   Schema | Name | Type  |  Owner     --------+------+-------+----------   public | rt1  | table | postgres   public | rt2  | table | postgres   public | tbl  | table | postgres   public | test | table | postgres  (4 rows)  postgres=# \dn    List of schemas    Name  |  Owner     --------+----------   public | postgres   rmt    | postgres  (2 rows)  postgres=# create view rmt.v1 as select * from test;  CREATE VIEW  postgres=# \dv rmt.*          List of relations   Schema | Name | Type |  Owner     --------+------+------+----------   rmt    | v1   | view | postgres  (1 row)  postgres=# create server rmt foreign data wrapper postgres_fdw options (hostaddr '', port '1921', dbname 'postgres');  CREATE SERVER  postgres=# create user mapping for postgres server rmt options (user 'postgres', password 'postgres');  CREATE USER MAPPING  postgres=# create foreign table rmt.ft1 (id int, info text) server rmt options (schema_name 'public', table_name 'test');   CREATE FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# SELECT id, info FROM rmt.ft1;    id  | info    ------+-------      1 | test1      2 | test2      3 | test2      4 | test2      5 | test2      6 | test2      7 | test2      8 | test3    100 | test3   1000 | test4      2 | test2      2 | test2      2 | test2  (13 rows)

local db postgresql 9.5

导入时会同时将视图, 物化视图, 外部表都一并导入, 除非使用except来排除.

postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt1;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# drop foreign table r1.rmt2;  DROP FOREIGN TABLE  postgres=# import FOREIGN SCHEMA rmt except (rmt) from server  rmt into r1 ;  IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA  postgres=# \det+                               List of foreign tables   Schema | Table | Server |              FDW Options               | Description   --------+-------+--------+----------------------------------------+-------------   r1     | ft1   | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'ft1')  |    r1     | rmt1  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt1') |    r1     | rmt2  | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'rmt2') |    r1     | v1    | rmt    | (schema_name 'rmt', table_name 'v1')   |   (4 rows)  postgres=# select * from r1.v1;    id  | info    ------+-------      1 | test1      2 | test2      3 | test2      4 | test2      5 | test2      6 | test2      7 | test2      8 | test3    100 | test3   1000 | test4      2 | test2      2 | test2      2 | test2  (13 rows)  postgres=# select * from r1.ft1;    id  | info    ------+-------      1 | test1      2 | test2      3 | test2      4 | test2      5 | test2      6 | test2      7 | test2      8 | test3    100 | test3   1000 | test4      2 | test2      2 | test2      2 | test2  (13 rows)

最后需要注意的是, 目前只有postgres_fdw支持import FOREIGN SCHEMA语法, 其他fdw需要自己去实现.


1. http://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h=59efda3e50ca4de6a9d5aa4491464e22b6329b1e  Implement IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA.  This command provides an automated way to create foreign table definitions  that match remote tables, thereby reducing tedium and chances for error.  In this patch, we provide the necessary core-server infrastructure and  implement the feature fully in the postgres_fdw foreign-data wrapper.  Other wrappers will throw a "feature not supported" error until/unless  they are updated.  Ronan Dunklau and Michael Paquier, additional work by me  2. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/sql-importforeignschema.html  3. http://blog.163.com/digoal@126/blog/static/163877040201521162114359/


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